
Mold Removal

Moisture is really the key cause of mold growth since the other conditions on the list are always going to be present in homes and businesses. 
So, essentially, the difference between whether mold grows in your home/business comes down to whether you have a moisture problem.
Humidity causes mold  the weather’s been very humid for a few days in a row you might notice mold starting to grow in your home. When it rains in Glendale it’s especially common to see mold start to grow on walls, benches and other surfaces because of the wet air.
If you live in a climate like Glendale where the the ground is dry, it’s very common to have mold growth in your home if you incur a flood. 

Glendale mold Removal

Mold Inspection

If you suspect you have a mold problem the first step is to have a comprehensive mold inspection. Mold inspection is designed to determine if you have a water issue – whether it’s from a leak, high levels of humidity or poor ventilation.   Mold growth is fuelled by water, humidity or poor ventilation which is why it is critical to determine why the mold is growing in the first place.
The mold inspection is focussed on identifying …

  • If you have a mold problem
  • If it is a significant mold problem or just surface mold
  • Why you have a problem
  • Options for solving the problem

Our mold certified inspectors use thermal imaging cameras moisture meter’s and hygrometer’s to determine the nature of the problem. The inspection is non-invasive so there will be no damage done to your home or business. Our trained inspectors provide a transparent inspection providing you with a comprehensive assessment of the type of problems you may be having in your home or business.
During your inspection, we will provide you with the information you need to resolve your issue. If it is determined you have a minor problem, our inspectors will provide you with step by step instructions on how to address the mold problem yourself or through the use of a handyman. If it turns out you have a significant mold problem, our inspectors will walk you through the scope of work, costs, effort and process required to solve your mold issue.   In addition, we will provide a detailed written quote for all projects that we undertake.
Not all mold inspections are equal.  If you think you have a mold issue you want to make sure you get the right company with the right equipment to help answer your questions.  Glendale Mold Remediation’s job is to educate you on what is happening in your environment and provide you with practical advice on how to solve your mold issues.

Glendale mold remediation
mold remediation Glendale

Thermal Imaging Mold Inspection

The technological tool is called Infrared Thermography (IT). IT is a technique that produces an image of invisible (to the human eye) infrared light emitted by objects due to the heat, or lack thereof, in the object called its “thermal condition.” The most typical type of thermography camera resembles a typical camcorder and produces a live television picture of heat radiation. More sophisticated cameras can actually measure the temperatures of any object or surface in the image and produce false color images that make interpretation of thermal patterns easier. An image produced by an infrared camera is called a thermogram or sometimes a thermograph.
​IT cameras produce images of invisible infrared or “heat” radiation. The IT camera can provide precise non-contact temperature measurement capabilities. The existence of moisture—a substance cooler than normal construction materials—can be used to detect conditions that promote mold growth. Mold related problems can be detected before the mold is visible to the eye or detectable by the nose. IT cameras are extremely cost-effective, valuable diagnostic tools in construction related problems of water intrusion and mold growth.

mold inspection in Glendale Arizona

Flood and Fire Restoration

If you’ve had a recent flood, significant water damage due to an unexpected leak, or have had a fire in your home, we can help you solve your problem. For fire and flood damage restoration services in Glendale.
Flood & Water Damage sometimes unexpected things happen and your best line of defence is to act quickly.  Under the right circumstances, such as a flood or burst pipe situation, mold can grow within 24 -48 hours.  Solving water damage issues in a timely manner can save you money and prevent a future mold issue.
Glendale Mold Remediation is equipped with commercial drying equipment to help resolve your emergency water damage needs.  Our team can be on site quickly with the right equipment to dry out the affected area and our inspectors can provide you with the advice you need to get your living environment back to normal.
Fire Damage if you’ve had a fire in your home and need to bring your home back to life and get rid of that lingering smell of smoke, we can revitalize your environment back to brand new.  Whether it’s a large fire or a small fire, the smoke damage can be significant leaving stains and the odor of smoke penetrating deep into the walls of your home.  Out team of certified inspectors can help you assess what can be salvaged and provide solutions to revitalize your home.

Glendale mold remediation AZ